People demand to know why I’m leaving NYC to take 4 months off in Asia and then a year in New Zealand. Not always, but sometimes they asked in a way that made me feel defensive and I realized my reaction has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me. I gave people dismissive, palatable answers because the real answer is a much longer, much more vulnerable discussion I didn’t feel ready to have. I don’t owe anyone disclosure about my life, but I want to share with you why I’m leaving:
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08 / a new season
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People demand to know why I’m leaving NYC to take 4 months off in Asia and then a year in New Zealand. Not always, but sometimes they asked in a way that made me feel defensive and I realized my reaction has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me. I gave people dismissive, palatable answers because the real answer is a much longer, much more vulnerable discussion I didn’t feel ready to have. I don’t owe anyone disclosure about my life, but I want to share with you why I’m leaving: